Beating Those Mental Demons!

September 14, 2020
What are your thoughts on this statement? “Endurance sports are 20% physical and 80% mental” It’s almost; “What came first…the chicken or the egg?” The feedback from one of my athletes on a session last week prompted me to, once again, reflect on this topic....
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I recently had a question from a triathlete about using Training Peaks (TP), particularly in regards to Chronic Training Load (CTL - "Fitness"), Acute Training Load (ATL - "Fatigue") and Training Stress Balance (TSB - "Form"). The questions were in regards to how you can use...
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2018 Great Barrier Reef Marathon - Race Recap

2:30am…gear packed…’fat black’ coffee…check list checked…nervous but excited and ready to take on our first marathon (well… for Smurf it was his first marathon not in an Ironman). We got to Port Douglas and there was no one else in sig...
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